Many and Omniversal thanks to my amazing Patrons. It is largely because of their enthusiasm and support that I am able to bring you these stories. They are all amazing, and I consider it an honor and a privilege to be able to create for them.
I will never, ever betray their trust, or take their generosity for granted.

They are: Charles Jackson, Robert Walper, Lilliane Assous, Janessa Ravenwood, David Helmink, Dale, Christopher, Visitant Sierra, Rickard, Paul Millsted, Michael Cronin, Jeffrey Clemons, Ethan Barton, Jessamyn Howe, Janne Syrjakoski, Mpop, Chris Ellis, Ken Hagler, Brandon Young, Andy Rowell, Marcel, and Lauren Cash.

Sunday, November 6, 2016


Ten thousand words into chapter 11, and it once again becomes apparent that this chapter will not get us to the conclusion of Book One.
I'm probably looking at another six to eight thousand words to get to the end of this section, which will still leave the confrontation in Cheyenne Mountain for NEXT chapter.

Sorry about that, guys. I always run way longer than I imagine I will when I'm outlining.
I promise, though, that I'll post this one on Saturday, and then work very hard to get the final section to you by the end of the month.

Back to it.



  1. By finishing book one in the next couple of chapters or so, when you start in on the material for book two, will that simply be by adding a chapter 12 or 13 or whatever to the current story, or once the next chapter or two are finished, are you planning or thinking of simply ending the current Dawn story and starting a sequel?

  2. Hey.
    My plan for now is to just keep going on the same story, just with a note somewhere that says 'Here begins book two' or something. That's easier for people to keep track of, I think, and there are plenty of stories on TtH that are hugely long.
    The continuation will entirely be the same story, just the next phase; call it the next Season, in television terms, with a change of focus as she finally teams up with SG:1 and starts going on missions with them (among other things, some of which will be pretty out there).
