Many and Omniversal thanks to my amazing Patrons. It is largely because of their enthusiasm and support that I am able to bring you these stories. They are all amazing, and I consider it an honor and a privilege to be able to create for them.
I will never, ever betray their trust, or take their generosity for granted.

They are: Charles Jackson, Robert Walper, Lilliane Assous, Janessa Ravenwood, David Helmink, Dale, Christopher, Visitant Sierra, Rickard, Paul Millsted, Michael Cronin, Jeffrey Clemons, Ethan Barton, Jessamyn Howe, Janne Syrjakoski, Mpop, Chris Ellis, Ken Hagler, Brandon Young, Andy Rowell, Marcel, and Lauren Cash.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

How about some Star Wars?

Yes, I am alive.
Yes, I know it's been a long damn while since I've been around; sorry about that, depression is a real thing, kids, and it can steer you into a very deep and dark sinkhole if you stop paying attention and let things get out of hand.
::woof--deep breath, and release::
::Claps hands, once::
So, yeah, okay then!
I'm glad to say, I wrote today!
And I did that after reading through what I have on the Darth Buffy aka Taleene story, and deciding that, in the clear light of day, I DON'T actually hate it.
(Stupid depression grumblegrumble stupid self-sabotaging inner voice rakkafrakka grumplerumple)

Anyways, yes; I feel a little better about things.
And it felt good to make a little forward progress on a story again.
So, I'll be working towards getting some chapters out there to you guys; likely some stuff with the Taleene story first, then going back to finish up the first arc of the Dawn/Stargate one, then swinging back through for more Taleene, plus some Harmony Supergoddess (unless Harmony gets her way and cuts the line, to get in front of Dawn; we'll see).

Again, apologies for dropping out on you like that; I'll get back into posting updates as progress is made.

Later all.


1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear that you're back in the writting mood. Real life can be a b***h, so I sympathize and know where you're coming from on that. While you may have originally intended for the Dawn story to get the next update, if you find it that writing on one or more of your other stories is easier to make progress on, that's understandable. Just hang in there, you'll get where you want to be at some point.
