Many and Omniversal thanks to my amazing Patrons. It is largely because of their enthusiasm and support that I am able to bring you these stories. They are all amazing, and I consider it an honor and a privilege to be able to create for them.
I will never, ever betray their trust, or take their generosity for granted.

They are: Charles Jackson, Robert Walper, Lilliane Assous, Janessa Ravenwood, David Helmink, Dale, Christopher, Visitant Sierra, Rickard, Paul Millsted, Michael Cronin, Jeffrey Clemons, Ethan Barton, Jessamyn Howe, Janne Syrjakoski, Mpop, Chris Ellis, Ken Hagler, Brandon Young, Andy Rowell, Marcel, and Lauren Cash.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Motor-vation Located!

So yeah, I know it's basically as rare as a total Solar eclipse, but I seem to have located both my brain and my groove, and I've gotten over 7,000 words down over the last three days, on Dawn's SG:1 crossover. There's still a long way to go on this one; the goal for the chapter is to wrap up the first story arc, but my plan is to keep going through Monday afternoon, and hopefully get my first draft finished. Then my pre-reader friend will give it a look, and if all goes well then I'll be posting a mega-chapter sometime next Saturday.

This will also hopefully become a trend, with me putting out a chapter every couple of weeks, but lets not get ahead of ourselves.

More updates as update-worthy things are encountered and survived.


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